Personal injuries have long lasting financial and medical consequences for individuals and families. You deserve compensation for the pain and injuries you have suffered. Our experienced personal injury lawyers at The Rousso Boumel Law Firm are here to help you.
Rousso & Boumel is committed to obtaining compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering for personal injury victims. An injured individual should never sign anything sent to them from an insurance company without first consulting with an attorney, contact us to help today. Our attorneys will ensure you fully recover from your injury and get the justice you deserve.
Depending on the injuries involved and the nature of a case, our personal injury lawyers consult economists, life planners, and medical experts in determining the scope and nature of your injuries. Since the cost of medical care increases over time and the value of lost earnings compounds, our office demands damages proportional to your total costs, both for today and in the future.
With only a few very narrow exceptions, pursuant to Florida’s Workers Compensation Statute a person injured by a co-worker in the course and scope of their employment may not bring a personal injury claim against their own employer. What this means is that an individual injured at work by a co-worker will likely have their medical expenses and wages paid through workers compensation but cannot recover for pain and suffering resulting from his/her injuries by filing a personal injury action.
In this case, our client was working for a rental car company at the Fort Lauderdale Airport when she was struck by a rental car vehicle driven by her co-worker while walking in the airport garage. Before the case came to Rousso/Boumel it was turned down by several personal injury firms as strictly a worker’s compensation case. Through extensive investigation and litigation, the lawyers at Rousso and Boumel uncovered that at the time of this incident our client’s co-worker was an unlicensed driver, who was receiving a driving lesson from her passenger, an employee of a different rental car company. Rousso and Boumel were able to file a personal injury action against the rental car company who employed the passenger, and to obtain substantial compensation in a case thought by other firms to have no value.